Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Tips for Success in Doing Business Lodging

Has a side business has become one of the choices that run a lot of people to make ends meet. One is the lodging. In fact, efforts to provide accommodation is already widely available in major cities because the demand is fairly high. For those of you who have a building or a house located in a strategic location, managing the business of providing accommodation is suitable enterprises. For people who come from out of town or out of the area, the average is a student, would be looking for lodging. If you are interested in opening a business lodging, the following tips could be done so that the lodging was a success.

1. Perform research and Define Target Wants Targeted

Before building the inn, you need to do research in advance of the target / market you want to target. You can target office workers, students, student, or traveler.
When you target a traveler, make sure that the location that is close to the tourist area and visited by many travelers. While if the place you have to be close to schools or campuses, providing rental housing or rented will be very profitable. For students or students from outside the city or region will be looking for a place to stay near the school or college.

2. Find Location by Always Consider Price and Market

After determining the target market who want to be targeted, the next step is hunting locations (those who have owned the land / location). Instead, do not rush into buying a property, still consider the price and the location was chosen to be strategic.

Always adjust your choice with a market you want to target. Try as much as possible to find the owner of land who are in need of money. It is probable that he will sell at bargain prices.

3. Buy Property Under Financial Condition

If the fund owned limited, you do not need to buy it in large scale. Buy a property in a small scale even if only one or two buildings. If you are only enough funds to purchase a property with an area of ​​100 m², do not push yourself to buy more extensive than that.

4. Plan Type and Select Quality building

After having land ready to build, the next step is to make the concept in advance about the type and building materials you want to use. Internet has many good home models by using materials / materials are not expensive, but the quality remains.

5. Provide Complete amenities Beautify Interior and exterior

Complete buildings that you have with various supporting facilities. You can add air conditioning, a bathroom in the room, free internet, and others. Beautify the interior and exterior of the building with a choice of paint color is cool and comfortable in the eye. That way, visitors feel welcome to stay at the inn.
6. Replace the prices were realistic, but Still Can Give Lucky

Price is one of the most important elements to be considered for people who want to stay. Despite having accommodation in a strategic location, installing an expensive price stay would deprive you get customers. Always set the price difference is not far from the price set of competitors. Better make a little profit, but doubled so it will get a profit that much.

7. Select Employees Dedicated

Employees are one indicator of whether the services provided satisfactory or not. Feedback from customers who have been coming to stay always important to correct existing deficiencies. Always choose employees who are dedicated in their work even if you're needed immediately.

8. Cleanliness lodging Basic Standards Must Be Secured

Never underestimate the cleanliness of the Inn. The Inn is clean will always be the visitors. They will recommend it to others and would come back if it happens to go to the same location. By contrast, a dirty inn will make visitors feel uncomfortable and reluctant to return to stay.

9. Promotions by Product Bundling More Interest

One of the ways of effective promotion is by bundling products. The meaning of the product here is your specialty. Well, to attract more customers, you need to carry out such bundling sale promo discount if the price stays longer than 3 days. Or bundling cheap rental rates with bonus free antarjemput transportation to tourist spots and others. Forms of promotion such bundling is generally provoke interest of many people. With the offer, guests will have a choice to stay.

10. Create a Unique Specialty Names and Easy to Remember

Speaking of business, the name is an absolute thing to note. Why? The name is an identity and a reminder for customers. Owns the inn with a unique name and is known to make people do not easily forget that when visiting the site will always remember the name of the habitable accommodation.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

How Business Success Goat Java

Goats Java is already a regular activity performed by the people, especially the rural communities. Goat livestock is one of the most preserved by rural or urban communities. Requests will be availability of a goat which is increasing every year, it can be proved from the increased consumption of various food preparations of mutton.

Moreover, it is not difficult to raise goats as livestock animal to another. This time we will share how successful goat raising for healthy and fat. Raise goats is not difficult, especially the availability of abundant food resources around us.

The leaves of many plants can be utilized as feed for goats, but you also have to consider the type of leaves that become favorite food goat. In our experience the type of plant is a favorite food goat lamtoro, jackfruit and also leaves turi.

Select the Type of Goat for Cultivation
Before deciding to open a goat raising is good to know the types of goats that can be cultivated in the area where you live. This needs to be done in order to find out what the advantages and disadvantages of raising goats in the area where you live, so they can maximize the potential of goats maintained. Actually kind of a goat in Indonesia is quite a lot, but commonly cultivated as livestock there are two types.

1. Goat nuts

This goat is a goat breed native of Indonesia. Type goat nuts already spread to all regions in Indonesia. The special feature of goat nut is to have a small body, big ears, his back rises, the size of a short neck. In addition to the male or female goats have horns, a female goat body height of 56 cm while males 60-65 cm and weight of adult female goats around 20 kg and 25 kg male goat.

2. Crossbreed Goats

Etawa crossbreed goats are goats result of interbreeding between Etawa originating from India with local goat (goat beans) native to Indonesia so as to produce a new species that are superior. Etawa crossbreed goats have also been spread to all parts of Indonesia.
This crossbreed goats have the same body shape with Etawa of India, only goat hybrid etawa have a smaller body. Maintaining Peranakan etawa has two benefits at once, namely as a producer of milk and meat producer.
Characteristics of goat hybrid etawa has long ears and hung limp, long ears bekisar between 18-30 cm, light brown coat color and black Agag. Another characteristic of PE male goat had feathers on top of a thicker neck and shoulders and long, while the female goat fur long thigh. The weight of the female goat and ram ± 35 kg ± 40 kg, shoulder height 76-100 cm.

Steps raising goats

In order to successfully raise goats of course you have to know the various issues related to this goat. There are several steps that you must do to be successful raising goats. Following the steps of raising goats.

1. selecting quality seeds

A. Choose a Stud

In choosing a stud you should make sure the selected stud has characteristics in accordance with established standards. Penjantan nice characterized by a healthy body, can grow well in accordance with his age, his fur looks clean, smooth and shiny look. Has a long body, legs straight, do not seem to have a physical disability, looks dashing, high heels, looks active and have a high mating lust and has a good testicles.

B. Selecting breeding females

Some characteristics of a good female goat having a healthy body condition, the body is not too fat and have a nice and shiny fur. Another characteristic is not found physical disability, can care for their children properly, fruit milk is good (soft and chewy).

2. Notice Period Mating Goats

If the goat has begun to mature at age 6-8 months are marked by a sense of lust has begun to appear on the goat. Udder age you can know by looking at birth records or by looking at the teeth that have been dated. Age female goat that is ready to be mated around 10-12 months of age, while for goats when more than one year old.

The characteristics of a female goat that is ready to marry if fidgeted, external genitals that look swollen, often menggerak tail movement, appetite began to decrease, and remained silent when ridden stud. In general the conditions experienced by females only lasted 30 hours, and the cycle will be repeated after 17 days.

The most ideal time to marry the goat is approximately 12-18 hours after the signs which we mentioned above. To facilitate the marriage of females and males placed into one cage, avoid inbreeding to minimize the genetic defect.

3. Feeding Goats

Feeding goats need to be set so that the nutritional needs of goats fulfilled. Basically the food goat divided into two meals of forage and concentrates. Green foods are foods derived from the leaves of plants both available in natural or deliberately cultivated. While the food is food concentrates derived from rice bran or bran. Foods derived from nature is the best food for the goats, the food can be cultivated plants such as grass or grass Setaria, Clitoria ternatea, and Brachiaria. Or you can use the waste from the farm to be used as an alternative food goat. Besides feeding the goats are a source of protein for growth goat among long bean leaves, leaf peanuts, Gliricidia leaves, soybean leaves, leaf lamtoro, turi leaves, and leaf calliandra.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

History of coffee in Indonesia

The practice of coffee drinking began more than one thousand years ago in Ethiopia. According to legend, a shepherd tried eating coffee cherries after observing that his goats didn’t sleep when they ate the wild fruit. 
One of the first written records mentioning coffee tells the story of Sheik Omar, who brought coffee to the city of Mocha in 1258. This city, now called Al Mukha, is in modern day Yemen.
For hundreds of years, coffee from Yemen has been blended with coffee from Indonesia (Java), to create the classic Mocha Java.
The world’s first coffeehouses were opened in Mecca in the early 15thcentury. They were comfortable places, where men relaxed and discussed politics over a cup of coffee. During this time, coffee was brewed by boiling the beans in water. The practice of pulping and roasting coffee began in Turkey, about 100 years later.  Istanbul was famous for having hundreds of coffee houses.   

It is thought that Muslim pilgrims returning from the Middle East brought coffee seeds with them to India in the early 1600s. Written records show that the Dutch governor in Malabar (India) sent a Yemeni or Arabica coffee (Coffea arabica) seedling to the Dutch governor of Batavia (now Jakarta) in 1696. This first seedlings sent was failed to grow due to flooding in Batavia. The second shipment of coffee seedlings to Batavia was reported in 1699. The plants grew, and in 1711, the first exports were sent from Java to Europe by the Dutch East Indies Trading Company, known by its Dutch initials VOC (Verininging Oogst-Indies Company), which was established in 1602. Within 10 years, exports rose to 60 tons per year. Indonesia was the first place outside of Arabia and Ethiopia, where coffee was widely cultivated. VOC monopolized coffee trading in 1725 to 1780.

The coffee was shipped to Europe from the port of Batavia. There has been a port at the mouth of Ciliwung River since 397 AD, when King Purnawarman established the city he called Sunda Kelapa. Today, in the Kota area of Jakarta, one can find echoes of the sea-going legacy that built the city. Sail driven ships still load cargo in the old port. The Bahari museum occupies a former warehouse of the VOC, which was used to store spices and coffee.  Menara Syahbandar (or Lookout Tower) was built in 1839 to replace the flag pole that stood at the head of wharves, where the VOC ships docked to load their cargos. 

In the 1700s, coffee shipped from Batavia sold for 3 Guilders per kilogram in Amsterdam. Since annual incomes in Holland in the 1700s were between 200 to 400 Guilders, this was equivalent of several hundred dollars per kilogram today. By the end of the 18th century, the price had dropped to 0.6 Guilders per kilogram and coffee drinking spread from the elite to the general population.

The coffee trade was very profitable for the VOC, but less so for the Indonesian farmers who were forced to grow it by the colonial government. In theory, production of export crops was meant to provide cash for Javanese villagers to pay their taxes. This was in Dutch known as the Cultuurstelsel (Cultivation system), and it covered spices and a wide range of other tropical cash crops. Cultuur stelsel was initiated for coffee in the Preanger region of West Java. In practice however, the prices set for the cash crops by the government were too low and they diverted labor from rice production, causing great hardship for farmers.

By mid of 1970s the VOC expanded Arabica coffee growing areas in Sumatra, Bali, Sulawesi and Timor.  In Sulawesi the coffee was first planted in 1750. In North Suamatra highlands coffee was first grown near Toba Lake in 1888, followed by the Gayo highlands (Aceh) near Laut Tawar Lake in 1924.
In 1860, a Dutch colonial official, Eduard Douwes Dekker, wrote a book called “Max Havelaar and the Coffee Auctions of the Dutch Trading Company”, which exposed the oppression of villagers by corrupt and greedy officials. This book helped to change Dutch public opinion about the “Cultivation System” and colonialism in general. More recently, the name Max Havelaar was adopted by one of the first fair trade organizations.

In the late eighteen hundreds, Dutch colonialists established large coffee plantations on the Ijen Plateau in eastern Java.   However, disaster struck in the 1876, when the coffee rust disease swept through Indonesia, wiping out most of Typica cultivar. Robusta coffee (C. canephor var. robusta) was introduced to East Java in 1900 as a substitute especially at lower altitudes, where the rust was particularly devastating. 

In the 1920s, smallholders throughout Indonesia began to grow coffee as a cash crop. The plantations on Java were nationalized at independence and revitalized with new varieties of Coffea arabica in the 1950s. These varieties were also adopted by smallholders through the government and various development programs. Today, more than 90% of Indonesia’s Arabica coffee is grown by smallholders mainly in Northern Sumatra, on farms of one hectare or less in average. Annual Arabica production is about 75,000 tons and 90 % of which for export. Arabica coffee from the country mostly goes to specialty market segment.

Saturday, June 11, 2011

The Luwak

The Luwak or Asian Palm Civet (Paradoxurus Hermaphroditus), is a cat-sized mammal in the family Viverridae native to South-east Asia and southern China who is the responsible of the fame of the Kopi Luwak or Luwak CoffeeLuwak is the Indonesian name given to the Asian Palm Civet. The major population of this animal habits the islands of Sumatra, Java, Bali and Sulawesi in the Indonesian Archipelago.
The Asian Palm Civet or Luwak averages 3.2 kg (7 lb), has a body length of 53 cm (21 in) and a tail length of 48 cm (19 in). Its long, stocky body is covered with coarse, shaggy hair that is usually grayish in color, with black on its feet, ears and muzzle. Luwak has three rows of black markings on its body. The Luwak is solitary, nocturnal and arboreal. The activity period, from 18:00 to 04:00, is influenced by daylight. Palm Civets become active only after dark and retreat to rest sites just before dawn. They spend the day asleep in a tree hollow. They are territorial. Young Luwaks are born in tree hollows or in boulder crevices. It was pursued by humans, who killed them for damaging orchards and plantations but now, due to the extra incoming the farmers have for selling the Luwak’s feces, it looks like they are the king of the plantations.
Feeding and diet
The Luwak or Asian Palm Civet is a nocturnal omnivore. Its primary food source is pulpy fruits such as coffee berries, mango, and rambutan. Luwak is said to pick its fruit carefully, apparently leaving the less ripe fruit for a later date. It will also eat small mammals and insects. It also has a fondness for palm flower sap which, when fermented, becomes toddy, a sweet liquor  but Luwaks love coffee cherries and in coffee harvesting times they are the only thing they eat. It inhabits forests, parks and suburban gardens with mature fruit trees, fig trees and undisturbed vegetation. Its sharp claws allow it to climb trees and house gutters.
In the process to obtain Kopi Luwak or Luwak Coffee, there are two participating parts: the animal and the human.
As it was mentioned in What is Kopi Luwak? the civet selects the ripest berries of the coffee plants and eats the whole fruit. As the civet cannot digest the seed of the fruit (actually, it is the coffee bean), it expels them among its feces. This is the animal process.

Local farmers collect the feces and here is when the human process starts to obtain the final gourmet coffee. Below, there is a description of the whole process to obtain the Real Kopi Luwak for Civet Coffee Australia and it is totally handmade.
We collect the Luwak feces, remove the husk, crumble and separate the layers, which cover the green beans.
In this step, we separate the Kopi Luwak beans one by one and set aside the bad ones, the too small beans and the rare objects such as little stones. In this way we get the premium Kopi Luwak green beans ready to be roasted.
The Civet green beans are washed and are immediately dried with warm air so that when they are stored, they do not ferment with the humidity. After this step, the Kopi Luwak beans are stored in a dark dry place until the roasting process take place.
One of the most critical steps in normal coffee and Kopi Luwak coffee production is the roasting process. Our Kopi Luwak is roasted at the Sidikalang Arabic Plantation in Northern Sumatra. This roasting process has been used for generations and is completely done by hand; giving our Kopi Luwak it’s distinctive  aroma and flavor.
Generally, Kopi Luwak coffee and other single origin gourmet coffees are packed in whole beans because they keep the flavor and the aroma longer.
The Kopi Luwak coffee comes in special bags, which have a one way degassing valve to allow the liberation of gases caused after the roasting process and does not permit the entering of air. The oxygen along with light and humidity are the main “enemies” of coffee.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

why it's time to cut the crap

When I introduced civet coffee to the UK it was a quirky novelty. Now it's overpriced, industrialised, cruel – and frequently inauthentic. That's really hard to stomach

I am today launching a campaign (pdf) aimed at ending an industry that I created. That trade is in kopi luwak, AKA civet coffee – otherwise known as "wolf", "cat", and "crap" coffee, and the most expensive coffee in the world.
Over the past 20 years Kopi Luwak has become the ultimate bling coffee, a celebrity in its own right, stocked by every aspiring speciality retailer worldwide, and appearing on CNN News, Oprah, and The Bucket List (a Hollywood film with Jack Nicholson and Morgan Freeman, no less).

To my regret, I was the one who started it all ...
I first read a description of kopi luwak buried in a short paragraph in a 1981 copy of National Geographic Magazine. Ten years later, in 1991, as coffee director of Taylors of Harrogate, I was the first person to import kopi luwak into the west – a single kilogramme. I didn't sell it through the company, but thought, perhaps naively, that its quirky, faintly off-putting origins from a wild animal roaming Indonesian coffee estates might be of interest to the local newspaper and radio in Yorkshire where the company was based. It proved to be so much bigger than that – national news, TV and radio fell over themselves to cover it. Kopi luwak put Taylors – and me – on the map.

Genuine Indonesian kopi luwak is collected from the droppings of a wild cat-like animal called the luwak (the common palm civet, Paraxorus Hermaphroditus), a shy, solitary nocturnal forest animal that freely prowls nearby coffee plantations at night in the harvest season, eating the choicest ripe coffee cherries. It can't digest the stones – or coffee beans – of the cherry, so craps them out along with the rest of its droppings. The beans are collected by farm workers. Cleaned and washed, they have acquired a unique and highly prized taste from their passage through the luwak's digestive tract and the anal scent glands they use for marking their territory. Being wild, hard to collect, variable in age and quality, and very rare, kopi luwak is not a commercially viable crop, but just an interesting coffee curiosity. That's why I bought some.

But nowadays, it is practically impossible to find genuine wild kopi luwak – the only way to guarantee that would be to actually follow a luwak around all night yourself, one experienced coffee trader told me. Today, kopi luwak mainly comes from caged wild luwaks, often kept in appalling conditions. A Japanese scientist recently claimed to have invented a way of telling whether kopi luwak is fake or genuine. He'd have been better off inventing a way of telling whether the beans come from wild or caged animals.

Coffee companies around the world still market kopi luwak along the lines of that original quirky story involving a wild animal's digestive habits, many claiming that only 500 kilogrammes are collected a year, a scarcity that justifies its huge retail pricetag (usually between $200-400 a kilo, sometimes more). In fact, although it's impossible to get precise figures, I estimate that the global production – farmers in India, Vietnam, China and the Philippines have all jumped on the bandwagon, too – is at least 50 tonnes, possibly much more. One single Indonesian farm claims to produce 7,000kg a year from 240 caged civets.


So kopi luwak is now rarely wild: it's industrialised. Sounds disgusting? It is. The naturally shy and solitary nocturnal creatures suffer greatly from the stress of being caged in proximity to other luwaks, and the unnatural emphasis on coffee cherries in their diet causes other health problems too; they fight among themselves, gnaw off their own legs, start passing blood in their scats, and frequently die.

Wild luwaks – the trapping of which is supposed to be strictly controlled in Indonesia – are caught by poachers, caged and force-fed coffee cherries in order to crap out the beans for the pleasure of the thousands who have been conned into buying this "incredibly rare" and very expensive "luxury" coffee.
The kopi luwak trade makes big bucks, and it attracts big-spending consumers. For example, if you're struggling to find a suitable present for your friendly neighbouring Russian oligarch's birthday, how about buying a 24-carat-gold foil bag of Terra Nera for £6,500 at Harrods? It won't be Indonesian kopi luwak you're buying, but one of the numerous other crap coffees that have now sprung up worldwide – Thai elephants, Brazilian jacu birds, and Bonobo monkeys have all been press-ganged into servicing consumers' insatiable desire for the weird and ostensibly wonderful.

 A caged luwak on a civet farm just outside Surabaya, Indonesia. Photograph:
In the case of Harrods, its latest variant is produced by the Peruvian uchunari, a long-snouted Andean animal about the same size as a luwak. Naturally, it's supposed to come from well-treated animals, be incredibly rare, and – until the next absurd luwak alternative comes along – is now the most expensive coffee in the world.

As all these bewildering developments seem to have sprung from my original humble purchase, I feel as if long ago I must have inadvertently put my finger on the pulse of some monstrous zeitgeist, a grotesque cancer that constantly mutates into yet more vile and virulent forms. I'm fully expecting celebrity-digested designer crap coffee to be next down the line. One way for former stars to revitalise a flagging film career, I suppose, or perhaps for a Turner prizewinning artist to comment on the vacuity of our consume-at-all-costs age.
Come to think of it, perhaps I could actually do the digesting myself? It would be an appropriate conclusion to my complicity in the rise and fall of this utterly preposterous, utterly hideous trade.

Monday, June 6, 2011

Civet coffee: the most expensive and weirdest from Indonesia.

Coffee! This high-caffeinated drinks ecstasy ranked 2 worlds, one level below the water in terms of consumption. No fewer than 2 million people every day drinker, coffee became the third largest primary commodity below, oil and gas. Because of its popularity, it's no surprise that there are tens, even hundreds of new varieties that are found intentionally or not appear. Starting from the known to the Arabica coffee, Yamen Mocha, Java, Oxaca, etc.. All these seed varieties, race - the race to supply the coffee, meet the high demand from various countries around the world. Brazil, known as the largest coffee producing country in the world. The country is supplying 2 / 3 or approximately 67.77% in terms of exporting coffee. Next is the country of Kenya. Country located in eastern Africa relies on coffee as its main commodity. 

While Indonesia itself according to FAO statistics rank 3, as a supplier of world coffee. Incidentally, there are 3 types of superior varieties of this country is very famous and popular by the kafeinisme world, the nickname given to people - the fans of coffee drinks. Into 3 types of coffee are known as the Sumatra coffee (Mandheling Lintong), Sulawesi, and Civet. Sumatra coffee is of superior varieties from Indonesia. At planting in the highlands, making it a sharp aroma, strong, and slightly acidic. This type of Sumatra coffee is the principal ingredient in the manufacture or Doppio Espresso (double espresso), which has a strong aroma of black, pain kantuk.Sedangkan for fans of Star Bucks. World famous coffee shops, which have no less 100 outlets spread across every country, certainly not alien to the taste of coffee Sulawesi. 

Yup ..! Sulawesi coffee, which is better known abroad as the Village Coffee is used by Star Buck as a raw material mix their kinds of drinks. Starting from the latte macchiato, Viennese roast, Hazelnut chereme, dll.Saking strong demand from Japan, Star Buck even willing to spend them for the sake of this patent the Sulawesi coffee. While the latter is Kopi Luwak. Some of us may still feel alienated by the name of this coffee, some may only know as the label coffee sold in supermarkets. Actually, such as whether this coffee? Perhaps, Luwak Coffee is the most peculiar types of coffee in Indonesia, or even in the world. Why? Because the process of picking Luwak coffee beans are very different from coffee - coffee is generally harvested prior lain.Kopi then the seeds are picked when ripe. Meanwhile, the process of picking Luwak coffee, arguably is a bit disgusting. Where when coffee beans are ripe, the farmers took off Civet (a type of civet or civet) to eat the seeds - seeds that fell. After that they waited for the Luwang is throw dirt. Nah! coffee beans that come out simultaneously with that Civet droppings are taken for further processing. Many people who doubt how this case of fermentation. However, researchers at the Canadian research proves, that the protein content in the stomach Luwak, a coffee beans ferment and mature more perfect. 

Thus, the resulting feeling much better and solid than coffee - coffee the other. Once there was a researcher from the UK dating far - far corners of Java trace only to prove the truth of myth Luwak coffee. However, up to one month duration of his tour of Java, no one who can show the existence of these Luwak coffee. So he says that myth Luwak coffee is just a lie "it's a big Scam." However, as the saying goes. Dogs barking khafilah passed, Civet Coffee has entered into the list of most enjoyable coffee and most wanted. The price in the world market soared. 635 U.S. dollars must be spent to get 1 kg of civet coffee. In America alone, for Luwak coffee tasting, we had to spend $ 50 U.S. dollars, if the exchange rate to dollars, prices range from approximately 400-500 thousand rupiah. ONLY FOR ONE CUP! is equivalent to the price of 2 ribs Toni Romas, who sepiringnya worth 200 thousand. Figures are fantastic just to sip a cup of coffee. This phenomenal coffee even became a hot topic in America, and went on Oprah Winfrey Show. Events Realiti American show which was hosted this Oprah watched no fewer than 4 million people every day. It seemed, when talking about Luwak coffee, people are no longer talking about myth. Myth or not, Luwak coffee from Indonesia is already a go-international, and the title as most expensive coffee and weirdest in the world.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Kainos Coffee Switches Gears with a Brick and Mortar in Portland OR

Plenty of people in Portland, Ore., enjoy biking to work. Some even continue to bike after they get there, which was initially the case for new Portland roaster Kainos Coffee, whose built-from-scratch wood-fired 8-kilo roaster’s drum was turned by chain linked to a fixed-gear bicycle.

Kainos Coffee launched with a retail food cart in April of this year, supplied by their own wood-fired roaster whose drum speed was controlled by the cyclist, while airflow was regulated with a damper on the bottom and a flu on the top.
“The coffee was phenomenal, it just had a few issues in regard to production,” Kainos co-owner Marten Boyden told Daily Coffee News, explaining that for one thing, they couldn’t see the coffee as it roasted, so they had to be especially vigilant for the sound of first crack. And then because of the nature of a wood-burning fire, they’d have to be very careful about drum speed and air flow to manage the temperature once first crack came around.

 “It was fun. It was an interesting adventure for a little while,” said Boyden, who reported that for the purpose of scaling up their business, they have since transitioned away from the homemade roaster and into the Buckman Coffee Factory shared roasting facility.
He added that the decision was also for the best from an environmentalist standpoint, for while he and co-founder Austin Roberts were confident in the carbon-neutrality of the inputs on the human-powered, wood-fueled roaster, the output of wood and coffee smoke were admittedly in need of greater mitigation. Said Boyden, “If we’re going to be a green community and a green company, we should probably actually be a little more green.”
Boyden also noted that while customers enjoyed their product right off the bat, their peers on the Portland scene couldn’t help but express some uncertainty about the model.
“I wouldn’t say they were critical, as much as just very question-y. ‘Are you going to be able to make that work?'” said Boyden. “In a sense, we didn’t. We chose to go another way. But it was not a choice based on whether or not we were creating a coffee we liked the flavor of. It had everything to do with, we wanted to give more to the orphanage; we wanted to be able to produce the coffee that we need to produce.”

Kainos donates 21 percent — a number both founders blurted out in unison when trying to decide on a portion they could announce to customers, and therefore be obliged to stick to — to an orphanage in the Philippines with which Boyden has been personally involved for the past four years. On roughly 5 acres of land purchased by friends of Boyden and subsequently leased out to farmers, two houses have been built so far with a third under construction. Said Boyden, “We are constantly getting more children that are in need of housing.”

Children come to the orphanage from areas nearby including the slums at the Wawa garbage dump outside Manila. “The first time I was over there was kind of a surreal experience. There’s 2,000 people that live literally on a garbage dump,” said Bowden. “We went in and there was this older lady who walks up to us and says ‘Hey, take this baby.’ We’re like, what?! You can’t just hand us a baby, there are other things that have to be done!”

The organization did eventually take the child in and sort through the appropriate procedures, though, and it was inspiring for Boyden when he returned six months later. “We were able to, the next time I was there, see the child with clothes on, eating food, fat and happy.” For the benefit of the orphanage, Kainos recognized the importance of scaling up the business, which was a driving factor in both the tough decision to abandon the bike-powered roaster and the comparatively easier to choice to roast in a way that creates balanced, chocolatey, instantly-lovable coffees to be appreciated by as wide an audience as possible. “We would rather have the chocolaty finish than the fruit-forwardness all the time,” Boyden said of the Kainos roasting approach, noting that they also enjoy some experimentalism to that end. “We’ve looked a lot into both the German and Japanese roasting worlds. In Germany there are many roasters that will roast for extended periods of time, up to 45 minutes actually,” said Boyden, describing a process that starts at a lower temperature and climbs very gradually.

“We’ve found that that’s pretty fun to toy with. We don’t go 45 minutes,” said Boyden. “But we will extend up to 18 minutes for our house blend, and we’ve had a ton of success with that.” Doors opened on November 1 at the 600-square-foot Kainos coffee shop at 6633 NE Sandy Boulevard in Northeast Portland, with a Rocket R9 espresso machine anchoring the drink menu. “We’re the first in the U.S. to be using this machine,” said Boyden, considering the machine on par with the latest from Synesso and other groundbreakers, with individuated groups each with its own programmable pressure profile and temperature. The R9 is paired with a Mahlkonig K30 Air Twin grinder, and the shop will also be serving V60 pourover.

The green coffees Kainos sources through Walker Coffee Trading, Bodhi Leaf Coffee Traders and Royal Coffee are now roasted on the various Joper and Proaster machines at Buckman, complete with all requisite afterburners and other environmental safeguards. They’re also excited to explore the green coffee resources provided by Buckman as well.
“They’ll do cuppings quite often with different importers who work directly with the farmers,” said Boyden. “We’d really like to start transitioning into that a little more, having more hands-on information about what we’re serving.”

Boyden said he hopes Kainos grows to include multiple locations. “The plan is to grow. That’s why we switched over our way of doing things,” said Boyden, adding that the original coffee cart is in storage and might eventually make a return to duty for special events or weddings. He sees potential for one or two more stores in Portland, as well as possibly establishing a roastery-cafĂ© in The Dalles, where both Kainos founders grew up. “It’d be cool to be potentially the first-ever local roaster out there, maybe in the next three to five years or so.”